Forgotten Town

ID: 07866


Oil On Canvas
Stretched - Stretched In Roll - In Roll

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The two women coyly shield their identities from us, ironically intriguing us to probe deeper. Casting us into an ever-swirling game of unfinished sentences and vague responses where we will never emerge victorious; for they will never unlatch the gates to a forgotten past.
play Unboxing Anna's Painting at Breeze Art Gallery, Scotland

Unboxing Anna's Painting at Breeze Art Gallery, Scotland


The painting arrived yesterday and fits beautifully on my stair case. Anna brought back the light of the Renaissance art that sought to capture the experience of the individual and the beauty and mystery of the natural world.

Joanne Cothran

National Director, SkyLink Holidays
Toronto, Canada


Over the last several years we have purchased no less than six pieces of artwork from Anna Art Gallery. Each one is a stand alone beautiful piece. From our smallest 24 x 30" to the 72 x 80", each one gives us endless pleasure.

Richard H. Stein

Attorney at Law
New York, USA